Christmas is the season for giving love … but we haven’t been giving Mother Earth any favours lately.
Consumerism is one of the major factors to climate change. 1.7 billion people in the world are now in the ‘consumer class’ – a group of people whose lifestyle consists of buying more and more things with the desire to own bigger and bigger assets.
And it’s this consumerism grinch that’s causing havoc on the natural world – 40% of plastic produced is for packaging, which is then used once and thrown away and the things we consume from food to material goods is responsible for approximately 60% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
With record Cyber Monday sales (Amazon had their biggest shopping day in the company’s history), Christmas shopping currently plaguing our minds and Boxing Day Sales looming in the future, we’re all in an ‘orgy of spending.’ Do you or anyone you know need anything more, really?
So it goes without saying that 2019 is the year to make the switch. It’s the consumerist tradition to buy ‘stuff’ for Christmas, but why not give something more meaningful and get good ‘jujus’ in return?

- Adopt a Koala – Koala Hospital
Koalas have been devastated by the recent Australian Bushfires with an estimated 1,000 koalas killed. The Koala Hospital takes in injured koalas and rehabilitates them. They currently have an adoption program where you can pick a cuddly fellow to ‘adopt’ for a one-off $40 or $70 payment – a great donation that won’t break the bank but is sure to bring you good karma!
- Tackle climate ‘fake news’ – The Climate Council of Australia
Environmental activists will be sure to appreciate a donation to The Climate Council of Australia who provide solutions to everyday Aussies on climate change based on proper … science. Backed by research, they’re made up of climate scientists and experts in the renewable energy, health and policy industries. They’re accepting one-off, weekly or monthly donations so you’re free to give as little or as much as you wish.

- Fancy giving a pig? Or a chicken? – Oxfam Unwrapped
Just because you don’t live on a farm, doesn’t mean you can’t donate much needed livestock to vulnerable families. Oxfam Unwrapped is helping tackle poverty in developing countries with their charity Christmas cards. You can choose between four different animals all with their unique purpose at different donation price points. For example, a goat provides milk, manure and baby goats which can assist the lives of disadvantaged families.
- Revive the Earth’s lungs – Australian Conservation Foundation
If trees and forests are your thing, supporting the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) is the best way to give back to the natural world. ACF is an advocacy organisation that exposes the corruption and destruction of our natural habitats and creates meaningful solutions for the future. They are accepting one-off or monthly donations so you assist them to help end the burning of coal and push legislation to protect plants and wildlife.
- Can’t get a pet? Help wildlife conservation instead – WWF
This is for all the animal activists out there. The world’s wildlife is in dire shape – we’ve seen a 60% decline in the populations of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians between 1970 and 2014. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) aims to save species and their ecosystems. You can help to ensure a brighter future for our wildlife through one-off or monthly donations or adopting an animal through their Gift Centre.
- Combat negative news – Renew Economy
In the spirit of Christmas positivity, subscribe to Renew Economy’s free daily newsletter to learn about amazing clean energy discoveries that are happening globally. They have articles on solar energy, electric vehicles, wind farms and new climate bills and legislations.